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The Difference One Year Makes

I did not think that the below "happy" picture was going to happen at one point. A year ago, my oldest daughter, Reagan (pictured right), decided to show rabbits for the first time. We bought five rabbits, she cared for them for six weeks or so, picked out the best three rabbits to take to the fair, and sold her rabbits for a cool $1,000. All was good. She learned to care for animals and learned a little about entrepreneurship.

This year, Reagan's younger sister, Taylor (pictured left), decided to show rabbits as well. We bought nine rabbits, but this year was much different. We do not know exactly how, but the rabbits got sick, would not eat or drink and three rabbits died. Thank goodness for my wife who figured out what medicine the rabbits needed or we may have lost them all. All was not good - what a difference one year makes.

But, my two girls came together, cared even more deeply for the six remaining rabbits, and pulled the best rabbits together to make the best pen to take to the fair: two rabbits from Reagan and one rabbit from Taylor. They showed compassion, empathy and teamwork. I am happy to announce that this pen made the sell just like last year.

Watching my daughters pull together to work as a team against adversity reminded me of our team here. Every day you come together to show compassion and empathy and work as the best healthcare team I could imagine. Your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. Thank you for all you do and for coming to work each day for our patients.

Talk soon,


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