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Sweet Sixteen

Well, it happened to my wife and me. The whole "sweet sixteen" hit us. Our oldest daughter, Reagan, turned 16 in April. I do not know why, and I do not know if it hits others the same way, but Reagan's first 15 birthdays really didn't hit me. We of course celebrated them. You know, the usual celebration - cake, ice cream, gifts, bad singing by me, etc.

But this one made me stop and think for a bit. I remember when Reagan turned 6, I said to my wife, "She is one-third of the way to moving out of the house." This didn't bother me as much as her turning 16 did. I think it comes down to her having less than two years until she graduates from high school.

I can remember many times when I was younger people telling me that time seems to get faster as you get older. I used to not believe this, but definitely do now. It feels like just yesterday she was 6 years old and we were going to get “Donuts with Dad” before school. Now, she is 16 and preparing to drive herself to the donut shop.

I would encourage each of you to cherish each day and live each day to the fullest. Give your very best every day and make that memorable mark on each patient that you help, talk to and care for.

Talk soon, Jason

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