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Remember Your "Why"

It was late one evening and obvious the summer months are upon us, because the normal shows on TV have had their final episodes and now we are in re-run mode. I was surfing the TV one evening and came across the movie Hacksaw Ridge. I had seen this movie before, but I found myself getting caught up in it again. As I started to watch it, I found myself asking, “Why am I watching this movie for the 3rd or 4th time?"

If you have not seen the movie, it is based on a true story where Private First Class Desmond Doss refused to carry a weapon during WWII based on his religious grounds. After being scrutinized and ostracized by fellow soldiers, Pfc. Doss went on to earn respect and adoration for his bravery, selflessness, and compassion after he risked his life – without firing a shot – to save 75 men in the Battle of Okinawa. He also won the Congressional Medal of Honor.

I have to think that Pfc. Doss was so successful at being a medic and saving so many lives because he stayed true to his "why": to what he stood for and to what drives him. As we roll out our new strategy based on each of your CORE commitments, I encourage you to remember your "why." Why did each of you get into healthcare and what is your true CORE commitment?

Thanks for all that you do!

Talk soon, Jason

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