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It Doesn't Get Any Better than This

I don't know if any of you have had the experience of something you loved as a kid being loved by your own kids. I guess this may be rare since few things have the ability to cross multiple generations. At times, musical groups make this cross and remain popular across decades of time. But I think you would agree there are more one-hit-wonders than musical groups that have a true lasting effect. There are a lot more Vanilla Ices than Journeys.

Movies rarely cross multiple generations either through reruns or sequels. This last Father’s Day I got to experience this though, when my family surprised me by taking me to the latest movie in the Star Wars’ series: Solo. As a kid, I was a sci-fi nerd and loved Star Wars and continue to love this series.

While I was kicking back in the recliner at the movies, I looked down the row of seats where my family was sitting and thought to myself: “it doesn’t get much better than this.” Well, it did get better. When we returned home, my youngest daughter gave me the pictured homemade card.

Most of the time in life I have found the things that make the most memorable and meaningful impact on each of us are not the most elaborate things, but more often the simple things that either come from the heart or connect us to another person.

Just like the patients that come to one of our clinics or hospitals, their outcomes are undeniably better thanks to each of you taking the time to connect with them and care for them as you would want to be cared for.

Talk soon,


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