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Called to serve others

I am so happy fall is finally here. My 16-year-old, Reagan, and I were sitting on our back patio enjoying the cool weather watching the Aggies play Mississippi State. Yes, good ol’ Dad is doing all he can to steer, I mean, encourage my daughter to attend A&M in two years.

While the Aggies did lose the football game, not all was lost. As the game got away from the Aggies, my daughter and I got to talking about what she wants to be when she grows up. While we did not talk about the exact path that she would take when she goes to college, she did decide that she wants to serve others.

When she said she wanted to serve or help others, it made me think back to a few weeks ago when we did our annual service awards banquet, which our awesome human resources team organized and put on. This year was even more special as we had over 100 employees being recognized for five years of service, and over 270 recognized for anywhere from five years to 35 years.

As I thought back to the night we had our service awards, I thought about what in the world would cause someone to be in a job for five years, or even 10, 20 or 30 years. What I came up with is I believe when you choose a job in healthcare, you truly are “called to serve others.”

We get our enjoyment and a smile on our face from seeing how we impact someone's life in the best way in their moments of vulnerability. As the folks crossed the stage that night and their names were called, each smile that came across each recipient's face could light up an entire room.

I get the pleasure to work with the very best servants. Thanks for all that you do!

Talk soon,


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