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Needing an Escape

My youngest daughter is turning 13 this week. Yes, that is correct, I am going to have two teenage daughters. Please pray for me!

For her birthday, Taylor wanted to take many of her friends and go to one of the Escape Rooms in the area. For this escape room adventure, the scene was we were trapped in an attic and the group was divided into two groups, with an adult needed for each room. My wife took one room and I took the other. If you have never experienced an escape room, the way it works is each group reviews clues and tries to piece them together so you can all escape from the room.

As I reflected on the escape room adventure, it made me think about an earlier conversation I had with my wife that very day, before we went to the escape room. I was telling Jennifer all that we have going on: from what feels like the work schedule that is now even busier, to the kid’s crazy schedule, to the intensity of the holiday season being right around the corner (yes – Christmas is less than 45 days away). I found myself almost complaining about the “business of life” and wanting and needing an escape from it all.

However, the next day, I found myself gaining a better perspective. Instead of complaining about the business of life, I should be embracing it for each moment and memory it creates that I am fortunate to experience. Then, I thought about our patients. They may be facing a new diagnosis, a new challenge or big life changes. Those kinds of life events remind you to cherish each day and each new opportunity. I want to encourage each of you to do the same - cherish and value each day, no matter how busy it is or may feel. Thanks for all that you do!

Talk soon,


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