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Why do people come up with New Year’s resolutions?

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I hope that everyone had a great holiday season. As the clock turned to 2019, I thought Why do people come up with New Year’s resolutions?

Perhaps it is because they want to come up with a 'new norm' or maybe because the beginning of a New Year is a good time to come up with goals. According to the internet (and we know it is true if it is on the internet), over half of us will come up with at least one New Year’s resolution, but only 40% of New Year’s resolutions are kept.

The number one resolution people make has to do with trying to save more money and a close second is…you guessed it, trying to lose weight.

As my family and I discussed the New Year of 2019, I started to talk about goals for myself, my wife, each of my girls, my marriage and my family. You know it always works so well when someone else tries to tell us what our goals should be...well this year, it actually worked out pretty well for us. My wife suggested something that we have never done before. She suggested we each choose one word we want to try to live by for 2019. This one word gives clarity by taking all of your big plans and narrowing them down into one single focus. Just one word that centers on character and creates vision for your life in the New Year.

Needless to say, this sparked an interesting conversation among my family and each word we chose symbolized what each of us are walking through right now and anticipate for 2019. For my 13-year-old, Taylor, the word was “Everything.” As she explained it, she wants to give 'her everything' as a student, as a soccer player, as a sister and as a friend. My 16-year-old, Reagan, who is a junior and has many decisions and changes facing her this year, like where she will go to college, starting to drive and approaching graduation, chose the word “Confidence.” She wants to be more confident in all that she does.

My wife, Jennifer, who has returned to work full time, but is still a mother and wife, chose the word – “Commitment.” She explained that she wants to be committed to both her family and her work. She wants to be there for both her family at home and her work family. For me, as I reflected on a few of our fellow team members we have lost lately, I chose the word – “Best.” I want to give my best, be my best and see the best in every day! Each day we are blessed with, I want to give 'my best.' I want to always strive to be the best CEO, the best husband, the best dad or the best whatever 2019 presents.

Every day that people come to one of our hospitals or clinics, they want our very best, no matter how busy we are or how many folks we are treating. They want to feel they are the only person we are caring for. The College Station Region team does this so very well. Thank you for giving your best to those who choose us for their care when they are hurting.

If you have time to think about it, what would your word be for 2019?

Talk soon,


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