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This Almost Never Happened

Question: What is your routine each morning?

Answer: Probably like most of you, my morning routine changes depending on what is going on at work and with my family. I typically try to exercise 4-5 times per week and 1-2 times occurs before work depending on how many early meetings I have that week, or if need to take my 13-year-old to school for an early event (but to be honest, my wife takes care of most of the heavy lifting in that department).

If you are looking at this selfie of me snowboarding, you may be thinking – "Has Jason lost his mind?" or "Why am I looking at this?" Well, this picture almost never happened. I was going on a guy’s skiing/snowboarding trip and was excited to have a few days off. Our flight took us very early from the College Station airport to DFW. While sitting in the DFW airport, we received a notice that our connecting flight to Colorado was cancelled and the next flight was over 13 hours later and may also be cancelled. This is when one airline representative named Marie came to the rescue.

Marie (with a smile on her face) re-booked myself as well as the other guys with me. My situation turned from excitement for a guy’s ski trip, to freaking out that the trip may never happen, back to excitement. Marie came to the rescue with her calm demeanor and took this bad situation and turned it into a good situation, making a memorable moment in the process for me and my friends with the care and assistance she provided.

I never really look forward to flying. I fly because it is a necessity to get to far-away places. Let’s face it, the whole security process, the question of whether your flight will even be on time, the lines, it just doesn't elicit the best feelings. I bet our patients have the same thoughts – I don't really want to have that procedure done at the hospital or see the doctor in the clinic but I'll do it because it's necessary. This is where each of you come into play.

Each of you show care and compassion and make our patients' experiences better by connecting with each of them and their families. This is what sets us apart from the rest – our culture of caring and service. I want to thank each of you for transforming situations folks do not look forward to, into situations where folks say "I am so glad I chose this place."

Talk soon,


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