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Making the Unexpected Better!

Each year, my girls get rabbits for the county show. Several years ago, my father-in-law built a rabbit hutch for them complete with all the bells and whistles. I wouldn't even mind living there.

However, the one thing it lacks is a heater. Not too many days ago, we were experiencing temperatures in the Brazos Valley around 20 degrees. Who would have thought we would be experiencing these low temps in the month of March?

And that is when it happened, my wife made the unexpected so much better. I had to come home in the middle of the morning during this cold snap of weather to let a plumber in our house (we won’t go there) and I saw it. My wife had set up a rabbit pen, in our garage, equipped with water, food, shavings and even sweet potato as a sweet snack for the rabbits.

In life, we face the unexpected at times. Our patients also wake up some days and experience something in their health that was unexpected, maybe something as simple as a cold to something as serious as a heart attack.

The small things each of you do make the unexpected better. From sitting on a patient’s bed and sharing a moment, to asking a patient how are they doing and meaning it. I want to thank each of you for making the unexpected better each day for each patients who we serve.

Talk soon,


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