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What a Difference a Strong Foundation Makes

Francois Guillot/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

While I have never had the pleasure of visiting the Notre Dame cathedral, on April 15th when I saw the cathedral on fire, I felt that an iconic, historical structure may be lost forever. As I discussed the fire with many folks, each person had a different story and it meant something different to each of them. I heard stories about their faith, maybe stories about their visit to the cathedral, and one person even told me that she got goose bumps, in a bad way, when saw that the cathedral was on fire.

On Easter Sunday, while at church, the preacher put a picture of the cathedral on fire on the screen. He showed this photo not to bring up this horrible event again, but to comment that he had learned that the cathedral would not be lost. Since the cathedral had a strong foundation, it is able to be re-built. Not all was lost! What a difference a strong foundation makes!

As I listened to the preacher, it made me think about our patients, and how some of them may not always have a strong foundation in their lives. Many of them look to you or to me to help them through the difficult times they go through when they are at our hospitals or in our clinics. I hope you know how much I appreciate each of you coming together to be that strong foundation for them. We are stronger together, and the more we support them, the easier it is for them to get better.

Talk soon,


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