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The Power of Talking to One Another

I took the summer off from writing the blog, but am picking it back up.

I'm going to start including Memorable and Meaningful Moments (M&M Moments) at the end of each blog so keep emailing them to me.

I hope each of you had a good summer and perhaps had the opportunity to have some time off with your family and/or friends. That time off could be going somewhere on a vacation or maybe just a stay-cation, which sometimes is the best way to take time off. With two teenage daughters and both my wife and I working, somehow the stars aligned as did all of our calendars. We were able to take a few days off and have a family vacation.

I don't know what your days normally look like, but for me, sometimes the craziness doesn't allow for dinners together or regular time to sit down and just talk. So while we were on vacation, I made sure to treasure our dinners and time together. It is amazing how you can truly see the power of talking to one another when everyone gets off their device.

At dinner each night, I'd ask my daughters and my wife three questions:

1. What was your high of the day?

2. What was your low for the day?

3. What was the funniest thing that occurred today?

Talking with my family is one of my favorite memories from my vacation. Those are some of the best moments. It's really no different than when we take time to have those meaningful conversations with our patients in our hospital or clinics.

Maybe it's just a smile, saying hello, or finding something small to say to strike up a conversation. Maybe a Memorable and Meaningful Moment touches our patients' hearts, or maybe it just surprises them and reminds them someone cares.

Memorable Moment:

(From Joan Goebel) One of Dr. Pierce’s patients expressed to me how grateful and impressed he was that someone from Dr. Pierce’s office reached out to him two days after his appointment to see how he was doing. Thank you for taking the time to check on this patient.

Talk soon,


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