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Finally, we have had a few cold fronts blow through. I don't know about you, but I felt like summer would never end. As it finally has, and we turned our clocks back and turned up the holiday music, the thought of traditions came to my mind. Traditions of what you do to celebrate holidays, or in this case, what my family does to celebrate birthdays. Since each of our daughters started eating solid food, we bring them breakfast in bed on their birthdays and sing to them. I don't get any of the credit for this awesome tradition; it all goes to my wife.

It used to be a surprise, but now they know it is coming and eagerly await this special breakfast. Last week, our youngest daughter, Taylor, turned 14. We (sort of) surprised her with chocolate chip pancakes, which are her favorite.

I would bet as she gets older, she won't necessarily remember the gifts she received on her birthday, but the memories made with this tradition will hopefully stick with her. It's the little experiences like these that involve extra thoughtfulness that make them really special. I'd argue it's more about the little moments of consistency that truly leave an impact.

When we can consistently display kindness and love, it catches peoples' attention and sticks with them, hopefully leaving a lasting impression. As we approach the holiday season, I hope you take a moment in the midst of your traditions to reflect on why they may be meaningful to you.

Memorable & Meaningful Moment:

Tiffany Turner, Savannah Smith, Karen Heckmann and Florence “Lisa” Rose, recently helped a patient with Alzheimer’s. Her family had brought the patient into the clinic to be seen and was ready to load her into the car to take her home. The patient became very confused and did not want to get in the car. It was a cold and rainy day, and after spending quite a bit of time outside unsuccessfully trying to convince her, they brought her back inside. These nurses were so patient and kind with this woman, even bringing her a blanket and offering her warm tea. One nurse sat with her for a while and talked with her for a little bit to comfort her. Eventually one of the nurses was able to convince her to get into the car. The patient left feeling more comfortable and the family was so grateful for everything they did to go above and beyond for this woman.

I hope that each of you and your families have a great Thanksgiving!

Talk soon,


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