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The Blessing of Serving Others

Since the College Station hospital opened six years ago, my family and I have served some sort of “goodies” to the staff who worked on Christmas Day. My wife and I thought it was important to not only thank our staff for working the holiday, but to show our kids that some folks have to work on holidays, even on Christmas. Two years ago, we added serving on Christmas Eve night to the tradition as well.

The first time we served in 2013, our daughters were 11 years-old and 8 years-old. This past Christmas when we served, our oldest daughter, Reagan, who is now 17 years-old and a senior in high school, had a sad expression on her face. I asked her what was wrong and she said she was sad because this would be her last time to get to serve at the hospital on Christmas Day since she is graduating high school. She said each Christmas she really looks forward serving those in the hospital. I told her no matter if she was in college or later married with her own family, she could always come back and help serve.

This was just one more reminder that it is better to give than to receive (like my mom always told me) or said another way - it is such a blessing to be able to serve others.

Thanks to each of you who served those who needed you over the holiday.

Talk soon,


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