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We are in a pretty divided time in our country’s history. However, in the midst of the division, I can think of at least three things in my 40+ years on this earth that typically align people - music, sports and sickness. As I reflected back over the past few weeks, an incident kept coming to my mind and landing heavy on my heart.

No matter political affiliation, religion, race, etc., people bond over a band, like Journey, or a song. I don’t know where you were when you heard the news of Kobe Bryant’s death, but I was in the grocery store. As the news broke out, I saw many people come into alignment in mourning and memory for Kobe: in meetings, at my daughter’s soccer practice, and just overhearing conversations around me. Sports and national icons have a unique way of aligning people. I’ve seen sickness align people as well, even in families that were strained or had been out of touch with one another for years. The underlying love, care and compassion breaks through what drove families apart.

I had the opportunity to talk with several patients this last week, and as I spoke to them, I was reminded that many patients are not only dealing with their sickness but several other difficult situations as well. One patient I spoke with had family members who were also sick and being cared for in a facility. Another patient was missing a family function while in the hospital.

I hope this can serve as a small reminder that we are called to never settle and care for those around us by providing the best care possible, whether tending to physical needs, or just lending a listening ear.

Talk soon,


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