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What Gives You Energy

I don’t know about you, but since the holidays concluded, it feels like the world has gotten even faster. We celebrated with our families, and enjoyed our time with the kids being out of school. Now, things are back in full swing for my family with school activities, decisions about college for Reagan, and a full slate of soccer games and horse shows. I know it’s not news to you, but we have been extremely busy across our clinics and hospitals and now Coronavirus precautions have added a whole new set of challenges to the mix.

At times, my tank has been running a little empty. One day recently, I was in Brenham for a full day of meetings and our first new employee lunch. Each new staff member has their supervisor check in on them at 30, 60, and 90 days, and we just started something new where we have a president’s lunch somewhere around 4-5 months since all new employees’ hire date. I did not know quite what to expect with this being the first new employee lunch with staff from our Brenham clinics and hospital.

As the discussion started at lunch, I asked each of them if we had made them feel welcomed. Each attendee told me about their experiences – how their supervisor checks on them regularly, how other team members have reached out to them, and one of the employees even brought out a written note that she had received from her supervisor. I asked if they had seen any Memorable and Meaningful Moments (M&M moments), and they all said they had. The one that stuck with me the most was a staff member who works with Dr. Loesch. He has a funny nickname for her because she is so positive and always has a smile on her face with patients. Her positive energy is contagious!

I have thought back to this lunch many times over the last week, and as I thought about the discussion we had, this memory of the lunch was memorable and meaningful. There are moments that can take energy and moments that can give energy, and these new staff members definitely gave me energy as they lit up, telling me how much they love serving our patients.

Thanks to each of you!

Talk soon,


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