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You Never Know What Someone May Be Facing
As I have shared in some previous blogs, I enjoy sports, primarily football, soccer and basketball. Lately, I enjoy visiting Major League...

Remember Your "Why"
It was late one evening and obvious the summer months are upon us, because the normal shows on TV have had their final episodes and now...

Sweet Sixteen
Well, it happened to my wife and me. The whole "sweet sixteen" hit us. Our oldest daughter, Reagan, turned 16 in April. I do not know...

Not What I Expected to Hear: Frozen
I enjoy getting out of my office or having not back-to-back meetings all day. I enjoy getting out and seeing the remarkable work our team...

Reminded of What Is Important
As I prepared to write this week’s blog, I was thinking about what to write about and trying to actually find the time to write it. I...

The Difference One Year Makes
I did not think that the below "happy" picture was going to happen at one point. A year ago, my oldest daughter, Reagan (pictured right),...

It Made Me Stop
I was out for my usual jog…well, I guess I need to be honest, it was more of a walk than a jog, but we will call it a jog/walk. So, I was...

Small Gestures Make Big Impacts
Over the last year or so within the College Station Region, we have been recognizing Employees and Rookies of the Quarter. “Employee of...

March Madness
I don't know about each of you, but I look forward to the month of March for several different reasons. To start, the temperatures start...
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